Every year in April the streets of downtown fill with excitement
with FREE entertainment and fun for the whole family!
This was 'Lyza Jane's first year partaking in the fun...
and boy did we ALL have lots of fun!!
The streets were packed on this cloudy but warm day~

kiddos on that wall though...geez!
I'll be back later, hope you stick around~
(I love Italian Ice...soo yummy!)
Mmmm, so refreshing!!

You have a BLUE TONGUE!!
Meeting some new friends at the festival~

Dancing with the froggy!
Riding the train .... choo choo!

Hayden made a Mr. Potato Head Face~
Standing in line for a jumpy dragon maze~
Jumpy's are soo much fun!
Yippee look at me!
Hayden climbing the SURVIVOR jumpy~

(It was pretty high up there)
'Lyza in Toddler Town jumpy area~


Getting our face painted...isnt it a absolute must at a festival!
A Daisy for my Daisy-Girl!
Can you guess what he picked ?

(more like Mommy did)
just to get his face painted by this nice lady who did full faces!

The day went by soo fast...we could have literally spent all day and night there!
(I had previous engagements to attend the La Boheme Opera that
evening though in Nashville so I couldnt enjoy the whole day...boo hoo!)
But the kids ate hotdogs, french fries & sweet tea for lunch and
got to see a parade with Chewy Chewbacca from Star Wars too at the festival!
It was a fun-filled day and everything was absolutely FREE
except the food!! Gotta love Free FUN!!
Somer Jane
WOW Hayden...what a COOL looking face!!!! I wish we had gotten their earlier so we could have taken Meara. She would have had a great time. You're a good mommy Somer Jane!! ;-)
I just love fairs! That inflatable slide looked REALLY tall!
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