Since we are unable to play outside today
due to the April Showers~
I decided to make this neat and EASY bird feeder
with the children that I saw online.
The kids were excited when I said these bird feeders would bring
The kids were excited when I said these bird feeders would bring
even more birds to our yard to watch!
(We love to Bird WATCH!)
Just need an empty milk jug or 2 lt bottle (rinsed out)
Some craft paint nontoxic
brushes & stencils
and some clear weather paint sealer
their bird feeder and let them go at it~
Hayden really loves to paints things so
he really enjoyed this project!
He's stenciling a butterfly to his bird feeder~
'Lyza Jane stenciled a hummingbird to hers~
After they are done painting and the bird feeder is dry
I sprayed a clear coat of sealer since it would be
outside in the elements~
After the sealer dried Hayden filled up his bird feeder
with some morning song bird feed year round mix~
'Lyza Jane did so as well~
They are both excited to watch the birds come and eat

he really enjoyed this project!

I sprayed a clear coat of sealer since it would be
outside in the elements~

with some morning song bird feed year round mix~

in our backyard when the rain let up for minute~

from their bird feeders~
Our lovey dovey bluebirds~
notice our yummy present for them...
This lil' guy likes the sunflower seeds best~
we watch as he digs through the feeder for the black
sunflower seeds and then sits on top of the welcome sign
cracking the sunflower seeds open to eat.

'Lyza Janes pink feeder below~
You can tell she is a girl birdy since
she prefers the PINK feeder! hee hee
Gotta go now, time to watch the birds eat lunch! ;-)Somer Jane
These turned out great! We were going to do this soon--now I'm looking forward to it even more after reading this post.
These came out really amazing...I need one for my yard. I will have to get Emily working on it!! Thanks for the great idea :0)
Those are great feeders. They are so pretty
Thanks for sharing with Friday Showcase!!!
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