Thursday, December 18, 2008

1st Year Tradition of our NEW Advent Calendar~

So I have been wanting to get an Advent Calendar
and sooo finally I did this year!! Yeaah US!
I found this cute Santa one at TARGET and
you get to put things you want inside the doors...
I decided I would put slips of paper with things to
do that day or sometimes the paper would say surprises could be
found under the tree or in their stockings!!
It made for an interesting HAPPY morning looking forward to what
was behind the next days door...
It also was a great way for them to see how close Christmas was since
the Advent Calendar counted down the days for us~

This was found under the tree one morning after the
paper said to look under the tree for a surprise from Santa early~
'Lyza Jane getting the paper out one day~

Chocolate Chip Cookies were found inside the stockings~


(Grandma My-Hope helped with this secret gift)
She bought this fort from an Auction for $3 bucks
and donated to our Advent Calendar fun one day~
The kids thought it was Awesome!!

The Fort could be colored and decorated with stickers that came with it~

Peek-A-Boo inside the FORT~

Holiday Christmas Socks were left under the tree from
the Advent Calendar one day!

Big Brother helping his baby sister put her socks on...
how sweet!!!

We also went to look at Christmas Lights
one night as our Advent paper message,
Went to the Christmas Parade another,
Roasted marshmallows another night,
Baked cookies one day from a message,
I tried to think of things to do as well as giving them gifts...
Next year I will think of more things to do and see!
I love that we have started a new tradition this year that I hope
will keep throughout the years!!
Merry Christmas from our house to yours~
Somer Jane

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