Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My ABSOLUTE Favorite Color
in this WORLD~
This color makes me HAPPY just by looking at it.

Its the color of the prettiest blue skies...

The color of a Mermaids Tale...

It can even be the color of CANDY... another one of my favs to eat! lol

Its the color of the most tropical ocean waters...

or the color of the lovely feathers of the peacock...

What girl doesnt love their cosmetics in their favorite color...

I even love Katy Perry's Cerulean Blue Hair!!

If I ever needed a ballgown...
 I would definitely pick a
Cerulean Blue Grecian Style gown for the occasion~

I love home decor in the color too...

Im not gonna lie...driving a sportcar
 in this color wouldnt hurt either!

Mmmm CUPCAKES...enough said!

I can go on & on about all the beautiful things on earth that adorn my favorite color but I could be blogging for days!  ;-)
It truly is the color of happiness for me!

Somer Jane