Friday, June 4, 2010

Lyza's 4 yr old Preschool~ The Giving Tree

Miss 'Lyza Jane has enjoyed her first year at Part-Time preschool very much at
The Giving Tree Center
She recently moved up to the 'Big Kid Class' as she calls it,
(the actual preschool 4/5yr class)
from her 3 yr old class and really likes her new surroundings.
I wanted to post a few pics of her new class and teacher so one day
she can look back and see her very first school! ;-)
Smelling the pretty flowers at the entrance of her school

Inside the Building they have a really neat mural painted on the wall~

This is 'Lyzas cubby name plate~

This is 'Lyza sitting in her day she wont be this small!
sniff sniff ;-(

Her 'Big Kid' Class is called the Jazzy Jungle~
which in my opinion fits her perfectly!
(She is a wild lil' jungle monkey in her own right!)
plus she loves bananas ;-)
This is 'Lyza Jane with her super nice teacher Miss Lindsey
whom we love to learn things from when we come to school!

Its hard to believe my baby-girl has just finished her first part-time year
at a preschool and is now 4 yrs old!
We are taking the summertime off from The Giving Tree preschool since
we have a lot planned for the summer already.
But come August, its Back-To-School time again!
She will officially start Full-Time preschool
(attending everyday this fall/winter)
to prepare her for Kindergarten in Fall 2011!
(Gosh unbelieveable, in 1 yr my baby will be a Kindergartener)

I best enjoy this last year with all I've got...
in a blink it will be gone!
Somer Jane

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