Wednesday, June 2, 2010

These Muffins are SCRUMPTIOUS!!!

I dont know if I was just starving this morning or what but
this muffin mix I found the other day at the Dollar General was amazing!
I had never heard or seen Mayberry's Finest brand before
but I must admit the Peach Cobbler flavor
had me very interested in buying and trying it out!
YUM is all I can say!
It was really peachy and resembled the cobbler flavor which
was surprising! I have to go back and get some more of these for sure!
I checked out the website to get more info on this brand of nostalgia
Online they had some more intriguing muffin flavors
as well that they didnt have at the dollar general the other day:
Cinnamon Toast
Lemon Ice Box
and even
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Muffin mix!
Mmmmmm, I can taste them all already.
Just wanted to share my new found treasure I bought at the Dollar General
the other day...the kids and I scarfed them right up this morning!
Somer Jane

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