Friday, June 4, 2010

Hayden got a Gangsta' Grill~ hee hee

So Hayden and myself are at Blockbuster Video the
other day renting some movies.
Well, Blockbuster Video has a nice selection of candy they like
to keep up front for the kiddos to beg their mommys and daddys
to buy for them and make them go broke on $5 candy!
(thanks blockbuster)
Anywho, I broke down this time and told Hayden while I
picked out a movie he could pick out 1 small item if he promised
to be good the whole rest of the day!
(Yes, I'm aware this is bribery, but it works especially since
I dont buy him candy anymore due to sugar cut backs! ha)
So I've found the movie I want,
("Wolfman" with Anthony Hopkins for my hubby)
and I begin walking to the check-out.
Hayden with all this excitement walks up and says, "I WANT THIS ONE!!!"
I look down just curious to what he picked up since
a minute ago he was looking at big gummy 2ft long candy snakes
and in his little hand is this candy
that he chose as his final WINNER of all the cool candy~

I'm like "What"?!
First, I didn't even know they had such a candy created so I laughed
to myself for someone coming up with this Gangsta candy confection.
Second, Hayden doesn't even know what a 'GRILL' is?
So I found it funny he just picked it out...
maybe cause it was shiny?! hee hee
Anywho, I thought of the picture opportunity I could get
with buying him this funny lollipop candy GRILL thingy instead
of saying pick out something else...ALSO
I thought how funny it would be when his dad saw him wearing
his very own Grill! ha ha ha
(He excuses me of being too Gangsta as it is, so for my 'Mini-Me"
son to be sporting his Grill would be a laugh riot!)
The pic below is of Hayden and his
new Gangsta Grillz teeth~ hee hee

His father is never gonna believe he picked this candy out by
himself...I swear he will say I made him pick it!
But I SWEAR he was drawn to them for some reason his self~
Too funny!
(Since Hayden has no idea what a GRILL is, I helped
him out with his model peace-sign throwing Gangsta rapper pose in the picture though.
I think he was like~ Why do you want me to do that mom?
Cause your Gangsta Mommy thinks it's really funny Hayden!!!
ha ha ;-)
So run out and get your very own set of GRILLZ
at a Blockbuster location near you!
I should have bought me a pair! hee
Somer Jane

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