Sunday, April 12, 2009

WOW~ Look what the Easter Bunny brought us!

The Easter Bunny was really good this year!
He filled baskets up to the brim with goodies...
Lyza Jane wanted to eat this bumblebee lollipop straight away!
(Open this mommy please!!)

A new pony for her growing pony family
Hayden got a cool new car that makes music...
'Lyza Jane got a neat Tinkerbell shirt and some forks/spoons set
Some new craft supplies and outdoor chalk to get creative with!
New flip flops!! Bring on the sunshine~
We love flip flops in our house!!
Cool Disney Cars shirt for Hayden and a new
Little Mermaid pillow case for 'Lyza Jane

Hayden got a jump rope and a frisbee for outside.... a new Thomas
movie and a Thomas book.
Lyza Jane got the Thumbelina Barbie movie too.
(which we all watched this morning and was cute)
Hope your Easter day is blessed in every way~
Thank-you God for our very blessed life, we truly our grateful!
Somer Jane

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