Sunday, April 12, 2009

Family Fun Mag's- Easter Egg Paper Diorama~

Family Fun Magazine April 2009 Edition Egg Diorama
I saw this cute craft project in my Family Fun mag and knew
the kids and I had to try it out as an Easter week project.
(We made these April 7 & 8, the week of Easter!)
The supplies were easy enough, most things that you
keep around the house~
You basically need: balloons, scissors, tissue paper,
white paper, flour and water to make glue & bowls

You cover the whole balloon in just one layer of tissue first,
after that cover the tissue layer with two white paper layers...
This is Hayden covering his white paper layers...
Then finally you cover the white paper layers with the final
tissue paper layer which you can design to make pretty...
Give it 24 hours to competely dry and become hard like an egg
Cut out and opening and pop your balloon inside
Pull out your balloon
Stuff your egg with whatever you heart desires
We choose Easter grass and plastic eggs
Tie a ribbon to the top for decoration
Lastly, glue crinkled up tissue paper around egg opening
for more decoration and pizazz
Display on table, shelf or could hang up as well
You could also fill the eggs up goodies and give them as Easter gifts

They are a 2 day project but soo cute when your completely finished!
We will have to make some more next year and give them as gifts~
Happy Easter!
Somer Jane


  1. The eggs turned out so cute! I bet they had FUN doing it too! You are building some memories for them girlie! ;-)

  2. Oh, these turned out great!! They are adorable and look like lots of fun...I think I saw these, but wasn't up for the challenge like you were!

    You know you should really send in that last picture of your two kids holing their eggs to the magazine. They have a section where they showcase different snapshots of families who created something that was in their magazine. I've thought about it a time or two.
