Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Brunch at "My-Hope's" house~

What a beautiful morning!
It started off a little crisp with sweater weather but by 11:00
it was gorgeous outside and plenty of sunshine for our easter egg hunt~
'Lyza Jane is seeing her treasures the Easter bunny left when he
came by grandma~ My-Hopes house~
Hayden looking at his treasures from the Easter Bunny~
Hayden is showing off some of the Easter table decorations
while he is eating his delicious Brunch buffet.
'Lyza Jane enjoying her nutritious breakfast as well~
The Easter Egg Hunt at grandmas begins...
and he is off!!
He was running so fast everywhere he would pass right by some eggs!
'Lyza Jane was taking the slow and steady wins the race pace~
Getting some help from 'My-Hope'~
'My-Hope' helping our 'Lyza Jane now~
Ah-Ha there is one!!
I found one behind this tree- MOM!
Making sure they got everything in the field~
Heres one in the birdfeeder!
WOW, Hayden found some cars inside his eggs!
You guys did great! The Easter bunny left all kinds of eggs~
Daddy taking a rare moment to smile with his baby girl~
~An Easter family portrait~

What a beautiful, I mean amazingly blessed morning so far!
God is really shining the rays from Heaven today...
I really feel loved ones looking down on us with smiles as well;
watching our Easter celebration with awe and rejoice from up above!
(We miss you all soo much!)
May everyone have a joyous Easter holiday~

Somer Jane

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