Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Dinner at Nannys~

My most precious gifts from God...
'Lyza Jane hunting for eggs in Great-Nannys yard~
Everyone hunting for eggs~
Hayden searching for that Golden Egg~
Look at all the eggs we found mom!
Grandma-'Ranny with Hayden and 'Lyza Jane
My Uncle 'Bubba', my grandmother-Nanny, Uncle Alex, my mom & Uncle Tony
(missing my Aunt Josephine out of state & RIP our Papa!)
ALL the great-grandchildren in order from oldest to youngest!!
(my baby girl 'Lyza is the BABY!)
Me with my mother & brother Erik
and my babies- 'Lyza & Hayden

What a truly wonderful Easter it has been~

Somer Jane


  1. You got some great pictures. I LOVE seeing your whole family together. It looks like you had a happy Easter!

  2. I just realized you had your new shirt looks so pretty on you!
