Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Scream, U Scream, We all scream for FREE Ice Cream!

Soo Miss 'Lyza Jane got a free coupon for an ice cream cone
from good ol' Baskins Robbins for her birthday~
We went and her only request for flavor was...
you guessed it~

So Hayden wanted what baby sister was getting too...
If she has pink he wants pink! Go figure!
So I asked the lady in the drive-thru what "Pink"
ice-cream they had in stock ~
(cant believe I had to ask for a certain COLOR ice cream! geez! ) hee

The lady said it was Pink Bubble Gum or Cherry Jubilee~
Of course we went for the 'cherry' non-bubble mess flavor as our
PINK ice cream winner for their cones.

It was a huge delicious hit too!

Say MMMMMmmmm Ice cream!
Happy Birthday to 'Lyza Jane, thank-you Baskin Robbins!!!

Somer Jane

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