Saturday, April 4, 2009

St. Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Station Egg Hunt~

Our 1st official Egg Hunt of the season!
At 10:00a this morning the kids and I traveled to Exit 4 near Guthrie
for our very first Easter Egg Hunt of the 2009 hunting season! hee
The Volunteer St. Bethlehem Fire Station advertised a community
wide Egg Hunt that was the first ever for them.
My mom even gave me a wake up call early to remind me to take the kids,
since she works in a sister work-field with them! ;-)
Anywho, the kids and I had a great time and the brand new station
looked nice and the grounds were very spacious and perfect for the egg hunt!
The nice Volunteer Firemen even let the kiddos play in the firetrucks!

Hayden driving the Firetruck
Showing baby sister~ 'Lyza Jane the cool binoculars~
'Lyza getting her turn to out!!
Waiting for the Egg Hunt to start~
Hayden scopeing out the eggs making strategys~
I found one!

Look what I got MOM!

Thanks goes out to St. Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Station for
the time and effort you provide to the community!
We had a great time at the Egg Hunt and we cant
wait to come back next year~
Somer Jane

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