Thursday, April 2, 2009

Park Day~ E is for EXERCISE!

So it was a gorgeous day out so we decided to get some EXERCISE!
I love taking the kids to the many public and school parks and playgrounds
they have around town, so today we went to a new one they recently finished
at an elementary school here in town.
Its Spring break so we had the park to try out on this beautiful day!

Peek-a-Boo I see you!

She has such an adventurous & brave spirit- I love that about her!
Hayden met some brothers at the park and they actually will be
going to the same kindergarten/school next year...maybe they'll get the same teacher?!
They all had a grand time together!
I think they could have twirled on this for hours~
They played chase and poor lil' sister wanted to follow them and her big brother...
she would be running after them all over the park trying to keep up with the boys!
You Go Girl!

She LOVES to run!

And Swing!
Hayden amazes me with how much he has grown just in
these past few months...he is getting so big!
Sniff Sniff
I remember the days when I had to push him on the swing,
now he can go high all by himself...

We love to be outside and get the energy flowing in the sunshine!
I love Spring and days like today~
We could hang outside at a park for hours just enjoying the
and our many blessings!
Somer Jane

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