Monday, March 30, 2009

Elyza Janes birthday continued at Jump Zone~

After we had some ROYAL cake at the casa~
we drove Aunt Randi and Jeff to Jump Zone off Exit 4
for some jumpy fun!

Hayden in the obstacle course...
I actually remember him being 'Lyzas age and jumping in
the bouncys at a festival~ sad how fast they grow up!
Aunt Randi sliding on the carnival jumpy~

Everyone on the Firetruck slide~

They got a new air hockey table since the last time we came...
Hayden was having fun playing his first game of Air Hockey!

Infront of Superman jumpy~

That slide was soo much fun I had to stick my tongue out!

She liked the Princess Toddler jumpy best~

The Princess jumpy slide~

Infront of the Kracken Pirate Ship jumpy
That was fun...and super fast!
Jumping is fun!

Happy Birthday to me!!!
We had a fun time at Jump Zone even though the place was
MAD packed from being on a Sunday...I highly recommend going during the week!
But I think everyone had fun celebrating for Elyza Janes big day!
Cant wait to go back again...on a weekday! ha

Somer Jane

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