Monday, March 30, 2009

Princess Elyza Jane Daisy turns 3!!

My sweet beautiful Princess is growing up soo fast!
She is the big 3 now~
When asked what kind of birthday cake she wanted~
Her only request was PINK!!
So I had a very 'PINK' Princess cake made especially for her~

Stephanie, "The Cake Lady" at
made her this one-of-a-kind creation fit for a PRINCESS like herself!
(Its very strawberry-licious cake with cream cheese icing!)
Princess Elyza Jane on her very own cake~

Her Princess crown
Her scepter to complete her Princess cake~
Time to sing Happy Birthday!!

Make a WISH!!!
She was trying to get her balloon down off the ceiling with a step stool...
it was soo cute!
Opening some presents for the PRINCESS!
Hayden and Mr. Man (grandpa)
Elyza Jane and My Hope (grandma)
My best friend Heather and myself
Hayden, Elyza Jane with Aunt Randi and Jeff
Elyza Jane with Great Aunt LeeAnne
Hayden and Meara
Mommy and her beautiful Princess!
I'm 3!!!

Happy Birthday my Princess!!
Hope you have another wonderful year~
I love you!
Somer Jane

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