Sunday, March 29, 2009

Letter R is for~

Soo we studied the letter 'R' this week!

and R is for Rabbit Cookies!


Our first project we did was "R is for RICE"~

We also had some rice for breakfast...
(add some sugar, butter and milk and its a yummy meal!)

This is Hayden practicing his writing of R's

While Lyza Jane had a nap we made
"R is for RED" collage books~

He went through some magazines and cut out
red things he found and then decorated the RED book with them~
The back of his book~

My favortie project this week was the finger painted~

I found this project on another blog someplace and thought it was super cute
the kids sure did enjoy making their rainbows~

And they look beautiful hanging up on our window too

Have a "REALLY RADICAL" week!

Somer Jane

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