Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Letter S~

Soo we have been working on the letter S this past week...
and at Hobby Lobby they had soap making kits
that came with all the stuff needed to make SOAP!
Well the kids loved it!! (and It was super easy, which I loved!)

Here is what we used...
2 fragrances for the soap: Coconut and Fresh Rain (only 1 came in kit)
Two soap molds that both came in kit
Soap coloring dye
Soap in clear and white (we used white this time)
Needed a spoon and measuring cup or bowl
It was really super easy and not messy at all,
my children needed hardly any help making these
cute and smelly good soaps!

Hayden pouring his soap into the frog and turtle mold
'Lyza Jane stirring her soap to make PINK soap of course!
Making soap is fun!
She poured the soap all by herself...thats impressive!
After sitting in the fridge for an hour...

'Walll-Laa' we have soap!!

Haydens Coconut turtles and frogs~

Lyza Janes Pink fresh rain smelling soap

We did a little lesson on SAFETY for the letter S
and I taught the kids how to dial 911
and taught them when are actual emergency situtations
and when are not...

We made Smiley face cookies...YUMMY!
"Lyza Jane and her Sesame Street 'S' coloring page
Haydens letter 'S' snowman sheet
For breakfast one morning we made SNOWMAN pancakes~
Haydens favorite breakfast item is pancakes,
so I always try to think of ways to make different
pancakes using our lessons~

We stretched out of Letter 'S' a little longer than a week
but we learned alot from the letter S and the kids enjoyed
all our activities and lessons which made it fun.
We had some yummy letter 'S' dinners as well- to include:
Sloppy Joes
Spinach Chicken Alfredo
Soup and Sandwiches
It also SNOWED for the first time at the end of our letter S
learning week which was cool for the kids to play in!
(Worked well with our lesson too!) ;-)
Hope everyone is staying warm
in this CHILLLY weather!

1 comment:

  1. Those smiley face cookies were DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing them w/ Mike, Meara and I! ;-)
