Thursday, January 15, 2009

~Theres No Place Like Home~

My mom invited me to go with her to the
Wizard of Oz on Broadway Show at TPAC last night...
it was a fan-tabulous evening and the show was very delightful as well!
Plus...I had a night of adult conversation with my mom
without my screaming kids vying for MY attention all night!
Wow~ that in itself made the evening MAGICAL...ha ha JK!
Here is a pic of us infront of the ARTS Appetizer Pre-show table~
I didnt take many pics of the show since
it was not allowed, but I had to get a few to
at least monument the occasion~
The Lion was my favorite...he was a REALLY good actor!
And hilarious!
Nobody sees the WIZARD...not no body, not no how!
Posing infront of the stage...
I thought we had pretty good seats myself!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...
Bluebirds Fly!

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