Wednesday, January 21, 2009

~Learning about the Letter S~

~ We are learning about the letter S~

The kids learned how to make SCRAMBLED eggs for breakfast

Everyone helped out and took turns scrambling the eggs of course

Hayden is going to be a good cook, he really gets into his cooking!

Enjoying the Scambled eggs with cheese
and Strawberry Milk to drink...
A yummy letter 'S' breakfast!
"SEE - food" ...
another letter S favorite! hee ;-)
'Lyza Jane worked on a 'SMILEY' face letter S

While Hayden practiced writing his Letter 'S's~

We made snowflakes to decorate our window

He is really concentrating...look at the tongue action!
Coloring her snowflake, her favorite color PINK!
Hanging up on the window!

Some cute books we read using the letter 'S'


  1. You do such a great job with them Somer Jane!! ;-) Hayden looks like he's getting good at cooking!
