Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hayden & Mearas Lunch Play Date~

I stopped by my best friends Heathers house the other day
and she was feeling like pun intended! ha
So I told her I'd run to the store to get her some supplies and
take her daughter along with us to get her some fresh air.
So we had a little impromptu picnic at the park while we were out~

It was a hot day but the kids had a blast running and playing on
the playground (note to self: TIME TO STOP WEARING JEANS!) was HUMID!
While we were eating our picnic under a pavillion at one of my
FAVORITE PARKS in the city called,
Billy Dunlop Park
(great memories there)
we saw a birds nest with baby birds right over us!

If you look closer below you can see their little beaks hanging out
over the birds nest...too sweet!
The kids thought this was too!

Hayden had a great time playing with his friend Meara
today at the park. We should do it again soon but take her
mommy when she feels better soon!
Get well my friend~ Heather!

Somer Jane

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