Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hayden gets a Library Card!

The Summer Reading program at the library is coming up.
It begins June 7th and is a very popular event!
(I only wish it offered more times or days, since it is soo packed)
Nevertheless, its worth signing up for and taking the kids to
endorse the summer reading throughout summertime!
Today in being prepared for the summer reading program rush, I figured we
would sign Hayden up for his very own library card.
I have been wanting to get Hayden his very own library card
for awhile now but was waiting for the right moment...
but there is no perfect moment and I would have been waiting forever.
So today we went to the library and signed Hayden up for his very
own OFFICIAL library card!
(He just finished Kindergarten so that was a special moment in my book!)
Here below he is signing his name to receive his card~
(Awlll, Im a proud mommy!)

Here he is proud as can be with his very own library card~

Our next to do was to teach Hayden how to search for books on the
computer card catalog database.
(he thought this was super cool searching for books to find)

We found our books now its time to check them out with our new card!

I love the library's new self check out system, it took a second to figure it out

the first time we came a month ago, but its a lot quicker!
I never see lines to check-out now!

Soo the reading program is coming up soon, if you havent signed up yet
get down to the library to do so!!!
Here is some info below:

“Tadpoles and Tagalongs” programs are for all children not yet in school (under age five) and their parents or care giver, on Tuesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. On Friday, we will repeat Tuesday’s program. At each program, a limited number of tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis.
The Summer Reading Program, “Make a Splash, READ!” for elementary age children (five years and up) will be held on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and Friday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Children should be old enough to attend this elementary age program without parental supervision.
On Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. there will be a “Pajama Story Time” suitable

for the whole family.
Each participant will receive a “Reading Log” to track books read or total hours read. Participants may count the amount of time or the number of books read to them if they are listeners. Older children who read picture books to younger children may count the time spent reading to the younger child but not the number of books read.
Participants are responsible for keeping track of the books they read or the hours that they spend reading. “Reading Logs” should be filled out completely. For every eight books read or two hours of time spent reading, participants will be eligible to receive an incentive. Please use one log for hours read and one log for the number of books read.
All participants in the “Make a Splash, READ!” program will receive their own “Make a Splash, READ!” Passport. This is an attendance booklet that the child should have stamped once a week when they attend a program. The CHILD named on the “Make a Splash, READ!” passport is required to present the booklet to be stamped. You may attend as many programs per week as you wish, but only one stamp will be added each week.

At the end of the Summer Reading Program, if the participant has attended one program per week for at least three of the five weeks and has received three stamps in their Passport, they will receive a book of their choice at no charge.

Happy Summer Reading Ahead~
Somer Jane

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