Saturday, March 20, 2010

48th St. Patricks Day Wearin' of the Green Parade Erin, TN~

Its the first official day of SPRING!
Today we took a little road trip down south to Erin, TN for the
big 48th annual St. Paddys Day parade and festival they put on.
This was an extremely exciting adventure for the kiddos!
Here above the two lil' Irish kiddos were waiting for the parade to begin...
I had to buy them some cotton candy from the street vendor to
pass the time away before the parade came!
(MMmm cotton candy!)
I couldnt have asked for a better shot and luckily I had
my camera ready to capture this Daddy/Daughter moment!!

I had to get a pic with my two favorite wee' leprechauns!

Hayden has spotted the parade coming down the street!
"Look MOM its COMING!!"

Mr. Leprechaun and his Mrs.~

The Mid-South Navy Band~

Gotta love the KILTS!
My favorite thing to hear is someone playing the Bagpipes!
Its beautiful!!

Neat Leprechaun floats~
We are definitely feeling the luck of the Irish today!

Hayden was getting lots of good SWAG from the floats too!

My lil' Irish Princess waving to the floats go by~

Here come the clowns!

A parade is not a parade without some horses~
Mini Semi trucks~
These old guns actually fired~
They were soo loud they set off a car alarm near us!
It was neat to see though.
Classic cars~

Loving the "Leprechaun Parade" as 'Lyza called it!

Beautiful Southern Belles~

This "Miata Limosine" gave Hayden this green nice!

I love actually seeing floats in a parade!
She was watching a Little Miss Princess drive by...
who knows 'Lyza one day that might be you in a parade~
just like your mommy! ;-)
After the parade walking over a bridge near a park~

Playing at the Park~

My two beautiful children enjoying the sunshine on
the very first day of SPRING!

Thanks to the city of ERIN, TN for such a wonderful St. Paddy's Day celebration!
We enjoyed watching the parade go by and the kids enjoyed
chasing after the candy and loot thrown to them from the floats!
It was fun getting a little wee bit closer to our heritage for a day~
Happy St. Patricks DAY!!
Somer Jane

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