Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st Egg Hunt of the Easter 2010 Season~

Its Easter time!!
I just love this time of year too. The birds are chirping and the buttercups are
beginning to blossom outside everywhere.
Easter is my absolute favorite holiday...its just soo cheerry!
Yesterday was the beginning of the Easter Egg Hunts and family
fun time that the holiday brings.
We took the kids to the Jaycees annual Easter Egg hunt.
Here our some of the pics below:
I had to get a pic with my beautiful princess below before she
took off running in her age group for eggs~
My two precious bebes patiently waiting to hunt for EGGS!
'Lyza did pretty good running out there all by herself getting the eggs...
She was getting eggs but her main focus seemed to be picking up
the gazillion lollipops they had scattered around the field.
She wanted that CANDY!! ;-)
Her prized treasure a pretty PINK Easter lollipop she found~
Hayden being older and wiser to this whole Easter Egg hunting thing~
He tried to get as many eggs as he could get and tried to go where the other
kids were not going to get the most eggs~
He was proud of his Easter loot...
we hurriedly went through all his eggs looking for any GOLDEN winners!
Sure enough...
those two golden eggs were the 1st and 3rd place
Golden prize eggs~
Here he is trading in the ticket numbers for his golden prizes!
For 1st place he won the awesome Easter basket below and
for 3rd place he won that cool play pack of playdoh~
Lucky Duck!
He got alot of cool stuff in his 1st place basket~
JumpRope, sidewalk chalk, stuffed bunny dog, puzzle,
Fish card game, Easter chirping chick & a playdoh bucket set!
(He was even nice enough to give his stuffed bunny-dog to
his lil' sister 'Lyza who really liked it....awlll)
This morning we got another surprise when we opened the Sunday newspaper.
Miss 'Lyza Jane had gotten her picture in the front page of
the community section! How special is that?!
She of course thought it was super special!!
She had to call all the grandmothers to let them know she made the paper! ;-)
(She is the first one on the right pictured below)

We would like to thank the local Jaycees for the fun event they
sponsored free to the community yesterday!
It was a joy to see my children soo happy hunting for Easter eggs
& treasures scattered around the field.
My son was even more elated that he won his 1st ever GOLDEN eggs!
Thank-you for the wonderful prizes that you sponsored as well~
We very much enjoyed the family time we had together
because of this wonderful FREE event for the community!
Happy Easter Everyone~

Somer Jane

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