Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Tissue Heart Craft~

Lyza Jane and myself made these cute tissue paper hearts
to decorate for Valentines day.
We first cut hearts out of construction paper...
We then took little squares of tissue paper and scrunched them
up then glueing them to the construction paper heart...
We even used a pencil to push them down into the glue so the tissue paper
wouldnt stick to our hands...
You can fill the whole heart up or just the middle like
Lyza Jane did here...
She was very pleased with her finished project~
She said she wanted to give the heart to her friend Meara
Awll how sweet of you to think of her!
(Im not sure if it will make it to her though, but the thought is there!)

Happy Valentines Day!
Somer Jane

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