Friday, January 29, 2010

WOW, The most snow we've seen since 2004~

Well, this is a weird or shall I say unusual winter for us...
we havent had too many snow days like we have had this January
for a long time. But ya know Im not complaining though, my job is working
for the school system so I love my TEACHER schedule!
When the kids are out for snow days sooo is MOMMA!!!
Its absolutely perfect, I even think Daddy is jealous. hee hee
I do have to skimp by with having less of a paycheck but heck,
I guess I will eat ramen for dinner in February alot...
and it will be just fine with me since Im spending time with my bebes!!

Mr. Kitty was enjoying the view of the snow and smelling it but was
not overly excited about jumping out into the cold white stuff...
even when I had our back door open here above for him to escape, I mean explore.

Hayden loves to catch snowflakes on this tongue!

'Lyza Jane loves to make snow angels!!

Our front yard and my car covered in the snowy white blanket of winter!

A bird house in the back yard swaying in the winter scene.

Hey lets just roll and lay in the snow!!
Lyza yelled...
"Mommy its a bed!!"
Does that mean the fluffy white stuff is as soft as her bed?
"Miss Lyza Janes Bed of Snow"

That would be a great book title if I could ever get off my duff and
write a book one day, we all have our goals though dont we!!

Enjoy your snow filled wonderland where ever you are~

Love Somer Jane

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