Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Luckily we live near a TCBY and can enjoy this wonderful
Waffle Cone Wednesday promotion
during this summertime of 2009!
(plus this is the only place I know that carries my
childhood favorite ice cream called- SUPERMAN!)
hee hee
The kids are trying to pick out their flavor for their waffle cones!

'Lyza sticks to her favorite flavor~
Cotton Candy!

Hayden the adventurer tries a new flavor today-
Peanut Butter Delight!

'Lyza is happy with her WAFFLE CONE!

Awwwlll, sharing with her big brother~ how sweet!

W for WAFFLE CONES are yummy!
Thanks TCBY for giving us this special $.99 promotion to enjoy!!
We will be back again for sure~
Somer Jane

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