Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The letter W & U books we read this week~

Ok My favorites we read this week were 'Watermelon Wishes'
and 'The Midnight Unicorn'
Watermelon Wishes had a great heartfelt message at the end and the story
was about a boy and his grandpa growing watermelons.
I really enjoyed the story and so did my 5 yr old son Hayden.
The Midnight Unicorn was a neat book because the pages were raised
and you could feel the Unicorns flowing hair on the pages raised ridges
or the sunset in the background etc. thoughout the book.
The pictures were pretty and I think little girls would enjoy the Unicorn story.
The Worrywarts was a perfect letter W book!
It had soo many 'W' words in this book I didnt see how they made a
story work with so many wild and wacky W words! ha
'Lyza isnt working on anything letter 'W' here but
I still wanted to add it since she was working on it while her brother was
working on a letter 'W' workbook page.
She is doing really well and is soo much more patient than Hayden
was at that age when it comes to learning.
She is a smart cookie and amazes me at how much she picks up at just 3yrs.
Hayden really loves writing letters.
(He loves drawing on paper now too)
So I find him asking me how to spell things so he can write something
on his paper, which I think is Wonderful!!!

Somer Jane

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