Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hotdogs from Gretchen Cordy~

The kids and I were out running errands today...
nothing exciting just the usual-
but we had a fun moment while we were out on our errand adventure!

We were listening to the radio and the radio was doing a promo on the very same highway we were driving down giving away chances to win waterpark
tickets as well as giving away free LUNCH-hotdogs, chips and drinks!
Well, mommy wanted to win those WATERPARK TICKETS for her bebes!
So we decided to stop and enter the contest.
While we were there Gretchen Cordy- Alum from 'SURVIVOR' (TV SHOW)
served my kiddos free hotdogs, chips and bottled water.
Gretchen even complimented my kids for choosing the water over the variety of
coke products they had to offer...(Im such a proud mommy!)

Well we didnt win the tickets to the waterpark that day but
the kids did get free lunch and was served very nicely by
Miss Gretchen Cordy herself!
Thanks Gretchen for being soo nice to my kiddos!!!
Somer Jane

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