Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Garden of Abundance~

He who plants a garden plants happiness.-
My husband wanted to start a garden this year and so
I helped him pick out a spot in the yard for it
and I suggested things I would like if he wanted to grow them...
and then he went to work!

I'm actually amazed at how well his garden turned out!
He planted corn, yellow squash, zucchini, banana peppers,
green peppers, bradley tomatos, strawberries and some cucumbers.

Here is a green pepper growing away~

The zucchini grows over night!
We have been eating LOADS of fresh steamed zucchini
and I have made a few loaves of tasty zucchini bread as well~
(The recipe is super delicious and yummy warm with butter-
I will have to add the recipe on another blog post its that good!!)
Oooh and I made Paula Deens Squash Casserole recipe from
her book of recipes I copied from my grandmother...
its sooo yummy and if your needing a good squash casserole
try this recipe one day, its great for Thanksgiving too!
heres the link to it online:
The only thing I omit from this recipe is her house seasoning and I just
add salt to taste instead. Im not a pepper fan.
I also like to mash the squash with a masher before I add it to the
baking dish mixed with the other ingredients...this is a yummy recipe!

The Cucumber plants amaze me at how they grab on to things
amd wrap around whatever they can attach to...

We made pickles from this cucumber!!
Some of the Gardens Bounty~
He who works his land will have abundant food.
Proverbs 12:11

Somer Jane

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