Friday, June 19, 2009

Summertime at the Lake~

What a hot and & humid day!
Perfect for a day at the LAKE~
Hayden & 'Lyza went with their cousins to the Lake
and had a blast playing in the water and beach sand~
'Lyza Jane was mesmorized by the kids jumping off
the depth marker pole.
Hayden was having fun practicing how to swim,
he is almost there too!
'Lyza had fun mostly wading in the shallow end near the beach~

We had such a wonderful time at the Lake today!
It was an amazing day and great first trip to the lake this summer!
We hope we get to make it out a few more times before the end of the
season, since Tennessee can get pretty hot & humid in the summertime!
Its refreshing to cool down at the Lake when ya get a chance~
Till next time...
Somer Jane

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