Saturday, June 20, 2009

The 'Fair' Came To Town~

So our fair came to town again... YEAH!
(It was the kids first time this year)
We went during the day so that I could keep my eye on them
and of course we had the rides to ourselves!
Everyone goes in the evening to ride the rides~
all the rides are lit up and its soo much cooler.
But the kids had a blast making me broke~
finally I told them I had no more money and we left!
ha ha

Haydens first ride the CRAZY AIRPLANE!

'Lyza played her first carnival game~
She won a pretty baton!!
Twirling her PRIZE!!
Hayden was very brave sliding down this tall slide by himself~
I think he didnt realize how high it was till he got to the top!
But he was brave and slide down anyways while
'Lyza and myself watched the daredevil~
Haydens first roller coaster ride on the DRAGON~
Looks like he is having a blast!
Hayden liked this ride~
'Lyza wanted to ride this until they started it up~
they whipped the cars around the corners fast and
it freaked her out! She started yelling to get off,
so they had to stop the ride to let
the princess off while everyone waited... hee hee
Right after being WHIPPED around~
Hayden seemed to like it when it went backwards!
The oldie but goodie CAROUSEL!
They are soo pretty to watch~
Riding the CAROUSEL together~
My handsome man~
My beautiful princess~

Too bad the fair only comes once a year!
We might have to check into going to the BIG state fair
when it comes in SEPTEMBER!!
Whoo Hooo FUN~
Somer Jane

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