Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentine Cards for 'Rannie & My-Hope a.k.a. the GRANDMAS~

We made our very much LOVED grandmothers each a
Valentine today & will mail them off tomorrow ~
(as soon as the glue dries! hee)
Hayden made this special Valentine for 'Rannie~

He cut out the RED hearts all by himself...soo cute!

This is the inside of 'Rannie's Card,
(he wrote his name down the side &
he even drew the hearts by himself too~
the ones that look like pacmans...those are the hearts! hee)
I love him soo.

'Lyza Jane created a Valentine for My-Hope~

Of Course Mommy helped cut out all the hearts for her but the

design and glueing of the card were all her own~

That is her name in the left corner...
at least that is what she thinks is her name?!
ha ha

We plan to mail these out tomorrow...
We hope that our special grandmothers receiving these handmade cards
will feel all the "LOVE" that was packed inside and sent in them
when they open the card~
Happy Love MONTH!!

Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I'm sure My Hope and Rannie will be so excited and proud to get these cards.
