Saturday, February 7, 2009

I want to ride the PONY!

Soo my pretty lil princess and myself had a day
to ourselves "Just the Girls"~
Mommy wanted to go to Kmart to look for bed sheets
for the new bed we are planning on buying for 'Lyza Janes
March birthday coming up.
Well, of course when we pulled into the parking lot of Kmart
'Lyza Jane immediately yelled she wanted to ride the pony! ha
Soo here is my pretty lil' princess...
(who had to wear her princess TUTU out)
riding the pony at Kmart! hee
( Do you know I remember riding the pony like this
when I was little..funny that this pony is still around)

She is soo happy...I love IT!

Somer Jane


  1. She is having the time of her life!

  2. I can remember going to KMart as a kid and begging my mom to let me ride this same type of horse carosel. What a GREAT memory for her! ;-)
