Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Celebrating Christmas with Uncle Erik & Shellie~

We havent had the chance to get together with
"UNCA AIRK" (as Lyza calls him) and soon-to-be Aunt Shellie
to celebrate Christmas yet...
So we had them over for dinner this week for
Pizza, Lasagna and breadsticks from Pizza Hut and exchanged gifts!
(First let me say the lasagna from Pizza Hut was pretty good for
fast food delivery was cheezy but fairly good!)
Now it wasnt MY famous yummy lasagna,
but for take-out I give it a thumbs up! ;-)

Hayden got a cool CARS movie projector book from Uncle Erik & Shellie.
It shows movie pictures on the wall while you read the story~
It was super cool and he loved it!

'Lyza Jane got a baby doll set and this super CUTE
cupcake purse set that has pretend-play make your own cupcakes!
(I think Mommy might have to steal the bag for her NEW purse-
I soo could rock that cupcake purse on my arm! ha ha)
Group HUG!
Thanks 'UNCA AIRK' and Shellie for our gifts!!

Somer Jane

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