Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can I just say we are getting excited for Valentines~

I saw these cupcakes online (forgot what website)
but thought they were super yummy looking
and wanted to try my hand at them~
The kids love to bake things in the kitchen,
luckily they take turns most of the time and dont fight
over who gets to do what...(Lyza Jane is afraid of the mixer still)She just couldnt wait for the finished product!!
She just took one big spoonful of DRY cake mix!! (UGH Lyza Jane)

Hayden loves to use the mixer...
but they both love to LICK the mixer thingys after were done!
She placed all our cupcake papers in the trays for us
Hayden decorating his freshly baked cupcake
A Cuppie-Cake for my Cupcake!
and YES...they were delicious!!

Somer Jane

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