Wednesday, November 5, 2008

~RiverView Mounds Farm 2nd time around~

Miss 'Lyza Jane admiring all the different pumpkins

Hayride with grandma ~ My-Hope

Feeding the farm animals

Hayden is an animal lover 100%

Taking a break in the corn bin

Hayden is the KING of the mountain
Hayden LOVES the 'Black Hole' slide at this farm

'Lyza Jane likes it too

My-Hope even enjoyed it twice!

Taking a ride on the 'redneck train' as my cousin nicknamed it!
(Hayden and LJ are at the caboose)

Lunch time!
Thanks My-Hope for buying us hotdogs, chips and cokes!

The sandbox was awesome...
Hey, lets get sand in our will love that!!

Building SAND things!!

'Lyza Jane with her coke in the corn maze

Hayden looking for the scarecrow in the corn maze
and Lyza following her big brother

Hayden playing in the big tires

'Lyza Jane swinging on the tire

Feeding the baby goat 'Gretta that was just walking around

Gretta likes CORN!!
Mommy feeding Gretta now...
Taking a hammock break on such a
beautiful 70 degree weather day

Trying to lasso the steer

Hayden the cowboy was even swinging the rope above his head...hee hee

My-Hope the scarecrow
(Isnt Lyza cute at the bottom looking up at grandma)
Mommy the Farmer, Hayden the Alpaca
and 'Lyza Jane the Goat

Soo Sunday we went back to the coolest farm to open yet
in Montgomery County by far for the last day of the season.
Again we had the best time just enjoying the day (Gorgeous at that),
and playing with all they have to offer at Riverview Mounds Farm!
(they even added some new things since the month ago we last visited!)
I wish they would stay open longer while the weather is still good,
since you can spend all day there with the kids
and know that everyone is safe and the kids can be kids!
This time I dressed them both in play clothes since the farm
has LOTS of things to get dirty and dusty with.
We drug grandma this time with us too, so she could see what
a nice farm this was...I think she enjoyed the day as much as we did!
It truly was perfect outside!
The farm is closed till spring now, but I would surely mark
my calendar if I were you to make a date in spring to
visit this gem of a Farm off Hwy 12.
I'm sure the Rinehart family will show you a great time!
Just tell them Somer Jane Haley sent you!
or better yet
maybe I'll see you there in Springtime myself
with my kiddos of course~
Somer Jane

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