Thursday, November 6, 2008

~Nature Hike at Rotary Park~

We are studying the letter 'L' this week
So I took the kids on a nature hike
looking for leaves in the woods of Rotary Park
and we found more than was a good afternoon!

At the beginning of our hike through the trails

He actually modeled for me on this log

he is soo handsome!
She is just like her smiles for pics!!!

The trees were soo pretty hiking the trails
My two two favorite things in life!
Hmm so which way do we go?

Having a break between trails
Miss Thang

Throwing rocks into the creek
Lets see how big of splash we can make

'Lyza Jane holding one of the many leaves we collected
along the hike trail

Hayden looking for fish or something

Hayden found this 'Squirrel' hole~
he said a 'squirrel' lives here
Letting the leaves glide down the waterfall of the creek

'Lyza Jane found a long stick and so she tried fishing~
She didnt catch anything though...hmm

Watching the leaves fall from the trees
Looking down the hill we hiked up
I had to get one pic of me in here too...
I'm holding all the leaves
we collected for a future 'L' project!

Somer Jane

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