Monday, November 24, 2008

~Letter T ~

I tried to give Hayden a little TIME lesson using this book
we only went over the basic time telling lesson though~
1 O'Clock, 2 O'Clock etc...
He caught on though so it was a good preview for him.
I found this book at a used book sale last month at the library...
I thought it was perfectly made for Hayden since he loves THOMAS!
We made TIRE TRACK artwork using his cars and tractors
that had different TIRE TRACK prints...
I was running out of paper the kids especially Hayden
loved making the tracks so much!
This was a good BOY centered activity for sure~

Hayden and his letter T workbook page

I did find some really interesting letter T books
I didnt even list all the ones we read this week
but here are a few...

The kids played TRAIN with the laundry baskets!!
'Lyza is the cute caboose~
My best friend Heather gave us some Turkeys to
color for Thanksgiving last month and they
worked out well with our Letter T lesson~

We did some other things this week but I just
wasnt that good about taking all the pics of everything.
We did have some yummy T foods like:
Tuna fish sandwiches
Tomato soup
T shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Tapioca pudding
and of course Turkey coming up for Thanksgiving!
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!
Somer Jane

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