Saturday, November 22, 2008

3 generations~ My Mom, My Grandmother and ME~

My grandmother is the best 72 yrs young
woman out there!!

Can you believe my mom will be 50 in a few weeks!
I hope I look this good in 20 years~
Out on our day pass from the crazy farm!! ha ha
Not only do good looking genes run in our family but so does crazy ones!
We have alot of fun together...can ya tell~

Normally I just blog about my kiddos since this blog
is dedicated to my beautiful babies Hayden and 'Lyza Jane...
But I love my mom and my grandmother very much
so I felt it only just to share these priceless pics we took this weekend
with the whole WORLD to show everyone
how much my family means to me!
I love you two crazy ladies~
Somer Jane

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