Sunday, November 16, 2008

~Learning about the Letter 'L'~

Lacing the Letter L

'Lyza Lacing the Letter L

We read about Marys Lil' LAMB
and colored the poem picture~

Heres Lyza Janes
Heres Haydens
We made lil' lamb artwork

'Lyza wanting to put glue on me!
Haydens Lil Lamb
'Lyzas Lil Lamb
hee hee
Hayden practicing his handwriting
Pretty good Letter L's
At Red Lobster watching the LOBSTERS in the tank

Learning about words that start with L
When we collected the Leaves from our Nature Hike
we used them to make these Leave Prints

Hayden having his Lucky Charms for breakfast
pointing to the Letter L!
'Lyza likes to pick out the marshmallows of course
Some of our L books we read
We learned about the Letter L
and all the wonderful things that begin with 'L' this week!
We even had yummy Lasagna that mommy made for
dinner one of Daddys favorites!
Hayden is really doing well learning about his letters so far.
I try to keep the lessons fast and fun so he doesnt get bored with
his short attention span. I dont want him to dread the projects.
So far though he likes everything we do and looks forward to
pointing out the letters we learn on billboards we drive by in the car,
on boxes or signs at the grocery store,
or in the books we read at home.
He thinks its a game ~ which I think is the key!
Since Thanksgiving is coming up OUR next letter will be
'T' for TURKEYS!
Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. Lacing the letter L- That's good! We love the Llama Llama Red Pajama book. Isn't it great! I can't wait to see what you come up with for T.
