Monday, November 10, 2008

~Autumn Night Firepit Cookout at G-Mas~

It was a perfect Autumn night for a fire!
My MIL invited me &the kiddos over for some
roasting fun on Saturday night and we gladly
excepted the invitation and brought a bag
of marshmallows and homemade sweet tea
for the ocassion...
it was fun evening out in the Autumn Air!

The Fire is ready to roast things!
Hayden roasting his first ever hotdogs
'Lyza Jane was sticking by the table full of cheese cubes
Time to eat the roasted hotdogs~ YUM!
Hayden roasting his marshmallow
which caught on fire~
'Lyza Jane eating a roasted marshmallow
Me & My Baby Boy roasting marshmallows
My two beautiful babies enjoying our
evening at G-Mas house

Somer Jane

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have family near by. What beautiful memories you are making!
