Friday, August 15, 2008

~We love to watch our 'HUM' Birds~

'Lyza Jane is our official 'HUM' Bird alerter!!
(For those of you that don't know what a 'HUM' bird is well... its this tiny bird that is normally called a 'HUMMINGBIRD' but our sweet daughter has renamed the bird species to her liking
which is now the~ 'HUM' Bird!!!) hee hee ;-)
It may have something to do with the fact that the word is too long and has too many syllables but nevertheless...
we have 'HUM' Birds in our back yard!
Each morning at breakfast we like to watch them drink the sugar water off the back deck feeder mommy supplys for the 'HUM' Birds!
We also like to watch them at lunch time and at dinner time too!!
We sit at the table and watch them fly in and out.
'Lyza Jane likes to yell, 'HUM' Bird first when she sees one to alert everyone else at the table to turn around and look at the feeder!!
If you don't look, she will keep yelling 'Hum' Bird or call your name to make sure you see the 'Hum' Bird~
"' 'Hum' Bird Hayden...'Hum' Bird MOMMA...'HUM' Bird DADDA!!!"

Its really cute to hear her say 'Hum' Bird!!

Somer Jane

From August 19th
**I'm really proud of these shots, I sat right infront of the
feeder today and they just flew all around me! One even stopped and just hovered right beside me just staring at me for a minute like we were making friends & having a conversation with each other...they're really sweet creatures these tiny birds!

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