Tuesday, August 12, 2008

~A Picnic at Rotary Park~

Our Wendy's Picnic
Elyza Trying to eat her nuggets so she can go play!!
Hayden kept looking at the tree infront of us...saying he saw a squirrels butt in the tree hole! (I think he just likes saying 'butt'!) ha ha
This would have a been a rare cute pic of them together if Hayden didnt ahve his mouth full of chicken nuggets!!
'Lyza Jane Swingin on some of the jungle gym
I thought this was a cute shot from behind her
Climbing the jungle gym
Playing 'Smack the Rolley things"!

Hayden pushing his lil' sister on the swings...awlll how sweet!

Hayden sliding down the big twirly slide

Climbing up the chain rope
He swings all by himself and it makes me kinda sad he is getting soo big!
Driving his race car I imagine...
My beautiful blonde haired/ blue-eyed baby boy!!

Soo it was a pretty day with hardly any HUMIDITY!
So I decided it was a PARK DAY!!
We got some of our FAVORITE FAST FOOD from the local WENDY'S~
(which we should have some stock in by now) hee
AND then we headed to the park up the road, 'Rotary Park'!
We had a pretty good time and we left when it started getting HOTT!!
Whew, but I think the pics say it all and how much fun we had this day
having our Picnic and playing at the PARK!!
See you soon with more adventures~
Somer Jane

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