I have been a mother to a baby boy officially 6 years today!!I still can remember every detail of my son Hayden coming into
this world and how my own father was alive on this earth
watching me go through labor at home waiting for his first grandchild
to arrive the day after Christmas!
I remember wanting to wait till Brad got home from work to tell him I was
in labor and was needing him to get showered and ready
for the hospital trip since I was in some real pain by 4pm.
I remember getting to the hospital and the nurses telling me I was probably not in labor and that since it was my first they didnt believe I was in actual pain...
that is until they hooked me up to their machines and saw how bad my contractions were and then after checking me and
I was already dialated to a 6~
I think they wanted to apologize for not hurrying along faster with me!
I remember how bad the pain was but I also remember the excitement of all the family members faces that were around me while I was lying there.
I also remember the fright on my hubbys face as I lied there in pain
and he was thinking about how he was to become a father for the first time.
I remember hearing you scream Hayden when you came out
and then I remember you being taken away to ICU since you were not
doing that well getting enough oxygen...
plus I wasnt doing to well losing so much blood either.
But I remember that they finally brought you back to me and I got to
look into your eyes and hold you on my chest for a brief minute...
and I just felt like everything...
all the pain...
the whole ordeal of getting you here~
was worth it
I would do it all over again if I had too!
(Hayden that is saying a lot too my baby boy since I'm leaving
most of the major gory details out of this)
Hayden just know that I love you more than anyone on this planet does
and that I will always love you that much no matter what!
Today on your 6th birthday I look back at this 6 yrs being your mother as
one of my lifes biggest blessings and triumphs.
I want to be here for you for 60 more of your birthdays at least!!
I love you and I hope you always remember that~
Hayden gift from Grandpa Mr. Man~Hayden 1st Go-Cart racing engine
( He is going to start racing this Spring/Summer season)
From Mommy, Daddy and BabyA Nintendo DS game system with 6 new games~
He likes this game!
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!Somer Jane