Just like an All-American BOY!!
I swear I have the cutest blonde haired boy in the world!
(This may spell trouble in the future though!)

Our newest addition to the family our adopted stray friend
who was MUCH more skinnier when he found us,
but has since gained a little weight~
this is 'OUTLAW' kitty!

So my 110% ALL-Boy was trying to climb trees today!
I remember when I climbed trees once upon a time~
(I was a tomboy for sure)
My baby-boy is not my "Baby" lil' boy no more!
I cant believe sometimes that he is only 4!
He is very mature for his age and since he looks older too
I forget he really is only 4!!
He has grown up way to fast for me... and he still has alot
more growing to do~ I KNOW!!
sniff sniff
I love these pictures I captured yesterday though,
they remind me ALL BOY days of summertime:
Climbing TREES
Digging in DIRT
playing with some stray ANIMAL!
(**Although we have since adopted our new stray kitty friend)
I swear the kitties are talking on the street over here in
Poplar Hill telling the other kitties that the place to hang is OUR HOUSE!
We now have 2 adopted strays in this past year whom have come to
really adopt us as their family. geez
I hope you enjoy the pics of my BLONDE -HAIRED PRINCE
and his 'CAT-DAYS' of SUMMER!!! hee
I love my 'Mini-Me' soo much~
Somer Jane