Saturday, December 18, 2010

Miss 'Lyza's first dance recital~

Lyza made her first performance debut in her
"Mary Poppins" recital & her dance number was 'SuperCalifragilistic"!
She was front center in the dance number and she was pure talent~
After the performance, she was soo excited about her stage debut!
I think she wanted to dance again & again.

Grandma 'Ranny congradulating the superstar~

Grandma My-Hope hugging the little star-diva~

Daddy brought roses for her first performance which was
really sweet and she loved them~

Mommy and her Dancing Diva~
(I love you so much)

Big Brother Hayden gives his baby sisters dance recital
two big thumbs up!

We love you Elyza Jane.
We are soo proud of you and your amazing stage debut!
You have a natural talent for the stage and we look forward
to seeing many more stage performances in the future~
Love you Superstar!
Somer Jane

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