Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ICE~ "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" at Opryland

I just so happened to win 4 FREE tickets to ICE from the local radio
station last week and thought how perfect to take the kids during
the Christmas holiday break!
We also invited Grandma 'Ranny along too since she was on vacation
from work and was excited to see the Santa Claus Comin' to Town theme.

Of Course Hayden was impressed to see-
Burgermeister Meisterburger from TV!

This was pretty cool with strobe lighting effects inside an ICE block

Here is baby Santa Claus in ICE

My two babies posing infront of the cold ICE sculptures~
Santa & Jessica aka Mrs. Claus

Burgermeister's Castle with a cool ice fountain sculpture!

'Lyza posing by the fountain with some kids with toys!

Posing with Santa coming down the chimney


Santa's Toy Workshop
aka ICE Slide Room

'Ranny accepting a toy teddy bear from Santa's helper
(she must have been a good girl)

I love how they made the Rainbow out of ICE!

Some of Santa's letters hanging from the ceiling in
his mail reading room. It was pretty all the letters...
I couldn't find mine though! ;-)
The children's parade through town

There goes Santa Claus...bye Santa!

Some really neat ICE houses in the town.
People are really so talented who carve out these sculptures.

When we left the frozen NORTH POLE area, poor 'Lyza Jane
said, 'My toes are frozen Mommy!'

All smiles after Grandma 'Ranny bought them
some cotton candy in the lobby...YUM!
I went for the German Roasted Pecan Nuts~Mmmm.
Below is the video of the kids & 'Ranny sliding at ICE.
Thank-you to the radio station for the FREE tickets that
we were able to enjoy together today!
It was a frozen tundra but very pretty to admire~
Till next year!
Somer Jane

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