Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hayden's 1st Baseball Fall 2010 Season~

This is 1st official baseball card and who knows maybe
one day in the future this card will be worth $MILLIONS$!
;-) (I hope)

Here are some baseball cupcakes we made for the team on our snack night! He helped me make them and decorate them...Mmm!

Banquet Night getting his 1st Baseball trophy EVER!
Soo proud of his 1st T-Ball season!!
If you ask me he was the MVP and I'm not bragging,
just a very proud mommy! :-)

G-Ma My-Hope proud of her grandson too!

Yay, for Trophy's~
He was soo excited to receive it!


Hayden was really lovin' the sport of baseball and I'm really
excited that he likes a sport I know something about!
Hopefully he will want to continue playing in the future...
Spring 2011 will be here before we know it!

I'm soo proud of you Hayden and all your hardwork!

Love Mom~
Somer Jane

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