Saturday, September 11, 2010

Riverfest 2010 Rocks~

Two things I love about my town...Rivers & Spires Festival
and the Riverfest which is this weekend!!
I took the kiddos today and we had a blast~
Im soo glad the weather held out and the rain went away so we could go!
First thing 'Lyza wanted to do was ride the PONY!
She has been begging to ride a horse for some time now
and today was her first actual pony ride...
she was soo happy!
(I love riding horses too...I need to take the kids horsebackriding!)
There was a petting zoo...
I wanted to take this piggy home with me,
but I dont think our cats would've liked it~ ;-)

This rabbit was bigger than my 14lb cat at home! geez!
Some of the Kids Adventure zone area of Riverfest!

I love JUMPYS!!

Hayden was into this Bungee Bounce thing~
I was super shocked when 'Lyza said she wanted to do it!!
'Lyza did it like 3 times!!
(Look at Hayden back there trying to back flip! )

Miss 'Lyza Jane was very adventuresome today and
tried alot of things she never has wanted to do before...
There is hope for her being a daredevil like her momma still yet! ;-)
Riverfest had lots of boths and neat carnival type game for
the kids to play for candy or prizes...pretty cool!
Gotta ride the train~

I dont think he quite made 8 seconds...
but we are just getting started!
Hayden impressed me with his basketball skills...
he made a few baskets & won a prize!
'Lyza poor thing had great form...
just not enough power behind her little body to reach the net! ;-)
Too sweet though- she didnt give up and she kept shooting~
(Maybe she'll be like her 'Ranny and be a B-Baller)
Hayden's first ever rock climbing wall attempt...
you need some serious upbody strength for this!
They asked for volunteers to go on stage
and my friend Lanna and of course 'Lyza Jane were ready and willing!!
'Lyza didnt want to get off the stage and then
kept asking if she could get back on after she finally got off!
Geez already a stage hog! hee hee ;-)
(she was cute though)
The professional bellydancers~
Yes thats a sword she is dancing with on her head!
Ya know I think I might have to go back to the bellydancing
class I went to one time before and drag my friend Lanna with me!
It looked like a lot of fun!
(It would get rid of my cupcake belly too! hee hee)
While all the dancing was going on I caught this pic of Hayden
playing in the dirt infront of the stage...
not really interested I guess!
(good boy- girls are the devil!! ha )

for such a great event!
We should have came yesterday since I heard they had the
Hot Air Balloon rides that we missed and hoped we
could have caught...but there is always next year I guess! ;-)
We had a blast and look forward to more fun and exciting
family free entertainment to come!
Somer Jane and Family!

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